1. Take photos of bird strike.
  2. Remove the contents of the bird strike kit from the plastic bag. Contents should include:
    • Unlabeled plastic bag
    • Tweezers
    • Alcohol prep pad
    • Latex-free gloves
  3. Use the contents of the strike kit to collect remains and/or DNA and place in labeled bag (bag with QR code):
    • Use gloves & alcohol prep pad to collect blood
    • Use gloves to remove and collect feathers
    • May use tweezers if needed
  4. Fill out the information label on the plastic bag with QR code.
  5. Place used gloves, tweezers, and other trash in unlabeled bag and discard.
  6. Upon return to your home base, place plastic bag in the Safety Box.
  7. Complete a safety report and attach bird strike photos.